Cultural and sports activities

Urdaneta Loiu Extracurricular Activities

Urdaneta School offers extracurricular activities. These activities are aimed at strengthening the educational path of students through the harmonious development of their physical, intellectual, artistic, aesthetic and interpersonal relationship abilities.

With this offer, Urdaneta School and Urdaneta Sports Club aim to meet the interests of the Educational Community and provide an alternative for healthy leisure and free time for their students.

We appreciate the trust that families place in the School, we encourage them to accompany their children in this complementary education, and we express our openness to suggestions that may improve the offer presented here. We hope that these activities contribute to the progress of our students in the acquisition of values ​​and attitudes in the development of their abilities.

Extracurricular activities are grouped into three areas:

Extracurricular activities in San José-Urdaneta

t organises extracurricular activities in the centre itself and offers an early-bird play centre service to facilitate the reconciliation of family and work: Extracurricular activities and early-bird play centre