General information and identification data

This website, located at the domain, has been developed for the Colegio P. Andrés de Urdaneta, and both the design and the content of this website are the property of the same. The owner of this website is the Colegio P. Andrés de Urdaneta, hereinafter “URDANETA”, with address at Lauroeta Etorbidea 6, 48180 Loiu, Bizkaia, Spain, Telephone 944533308 / Fax 944710248, NIF: R-2800046-A, belonging to the Congregation of Religious “Agustinian Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus of the Philippines”, registered in the Registry of Religious Entities of the Ministry of Justice, registration number 1132-b of the special section, group B, number 1132-b-SE / B, with registration date 14/6/1982.

By accessing this website, the user expressly declares that he/she has read, accepts and understands the “privacy policy” and the “legal notice”. Therefore, if you consider these conditions unacceptable, please refrain from using this website.


All information accessible from this website has no binding value for URDANETA, so it is only indicative and guiding in nature. The purpose of this website is only to inform about the services, courses, activities, information and news that URDANETA offers to its users. In order to establish a more fluid communication between members of the Educational community, teachers, students, parents of students, non-teaching staff and former students.

Intellectual and industrial property provides its users with free information on the services provided by URDANETA. The designs, brands, names, images, logos, graphics, icons, applications and other content of this site are the property of URDANETA, or in the case of brands, names, images, logos, etc. belonging to third parties, the appropriate license for their use is held. In the event that the third party, the legitimate owner of the same, is in any way affected by this dissemination, please contact URDANETA, stating this, and action will be taken accordingly, proceeding to remove the element in question if necessary.

Therefore, all the content of this website, including the elements mentioned above in the broadest sense, enjoys the protection provided for by industrial and intellectual property. Therefore, any alteration, transformation, reproduction or copying of the content of this website for any purpose or in any way other than that permitted by the owner of the rights, without the consent of the owner thereof, is prohibited. Access to does not imply the transfer of these rights to users. Only private use of the website and its content is authorized by users and under no circumstances may they make commercial use of the content, distribute it, or reproduce it publicly or without authorization by the owner of the intellectual property rights. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of the content or even the design substantially different from that expressly authorized by the owner of the intellectual property rights will affect the rights of URDANETA in accordance with current regulations in Spain and international treaties.

Access to the website

Access to the URDANETA website,, is free of charge and implies acceptance of all the conditions expressed in this legal notice. Within this website, various contact forms are available to users, and several email addresses are even provided, so that, by means of email, questions, requests, particulars can be made effective, as well as obtaining more information about the services provided by URDANETA. Likewise, this website also includes a section called Intranet, which can only be accessed by registered users, therefore it is restricted to anonymous users.

By freely and voluntarily communicating with URDANETA and providing personal data that you consider appropriate, you expressly authorize URDANETA to use the aforementioned personal data to send you, where appropriate, commercial communications about its activities, information, news or services, as long as you do not expressly indicate your refusal to receive said communications.

URDANETA informs the user that the personal data provided by the user by email will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the “Privacy Policy” of, respecting the legislation on personal data protection. It is also not recommended that specially protected data be sent, since this communication by email does not use a secure channel, and the data is not encrypted. For their part, users guarantee and are solely responsible for the veracity, authenticity and updating of the information and data sent to URDANETA.

In the event that partial or total illegality of any content on this website is detected, this may be highlighted and, consequently, the blocking or, where appropriate, removal of said illegal content may be requested, also by sending an e-mail.


All liability and warranty is excluded for:

  • Having accessed the URDANETA website.
  • Any misuse that may be made of accessing the information contained therein.
  • Of the possible errors of this website.
  • Of the linked content and also of its malfunction.
  • Regarding the offer of products and/or services that may be contained in the linked sites, since, in no case, does this link imply a suggestion to contract them.
  • The proper functioning of the site is beyond its control, although it does everything possible to provide users with a continuous service through it.
  • Of any damage that may be caused to the user due to the interruption of the access service to this website.

Finally, URDANETA reserves the right to alter, modify and/or delete the contents of this site without prior notice.


Users who establish hyperlinks or links to must refrain from making false, inaccurate or incorrect statements about it or its content. The establishment of a hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of any relationship between URDANETA and the owner of the linked website. If hyperlinks are established to the website, they will not be on websites that include information or content that is illegal, immoral or contrary to good customs, public order, accepted Internet practices or that in any way contravene the rights of third parties.

Legal regulations and applicable jurisdiction

The “Legal Notice” and the “Privacy Policy” of this website, as well as the rest of its content, have been made in compliance with Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and electronic commerce, and may be modified at any time in order to adapt to the changes that may occur in current legislation.

New content will apply as soon as it is published on and is accessible to its users.

The use of the website, including access by users and navigation through it, is free and implies compliance with the “Privacy Policy” and the “Legal Notice” of this website and the Spanish legislation applicable in this matter.

For any dispute arising from the particulars or conditions of this site, Spanish law will apply, and the Courts and Tribunals of the user’s domicile will be competent to resolve all conflicts, when the user is in Spain, or the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Bilbao, when the user is outside Spain, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that may correspond by law.