The school is named to the celebrated Basque sailor and Augustinian friar, Andrés de Urdaneta. He is renowned for discovering the “Tornaviaje,” the return route across the Pacific Ocean from the Far East to the American coast of Mexico. This discovery fulfilled long-standing aspiration of the Spanish Crown and significantly boosted trade between the two continents.
The history of Urdaneta School dates back to 1968 when construction of the centre began. This initiative arose from the need to expand the work carried out by the Augustinians over several decades in the small school affiliated with the San José parish in the centre of Bilbao and the El Carmen School in the Neguri-Getxo area.
Gradual construction of various pavilions and buildings led to the start of academic activities in 1970, initially offering some primary and high school courses.
Enrolment of new students occurred progressively, culminating in the full implementation of the educational cycle from 1st grade to 3rd year of high school (BUP) by 1975. From this point, Early Childhood Education was also provided at the San José-Urdaneta schools in Bilbao and the El Carmen-Urdaneta schools in Neguri-Getxo, as affiliated centres.
The growing number of students necessitated additional space. Consequently, new buildings were constructed in subsequent years, including the high school pavilion in 1978 and the Early Childhood Education building in 2000. Additionally, the San José facilities in Bilbao were adapted to accommodate students from the former COU (University Orientation Course).
Since its inception, sports have been a fundamental pillar of student education. In 1994, the school further enhanced its excellent facilities by constructing a covered sports pavilion with a swimming pool.
The tireless work and dedication of many individuals over the years have earned Urdaneta numerous accolades, making it one of the most renowned educational institutions in the Basque Country.
More than 14,000 students have passed through the halls of this school. Many of them currently hold positions of responsibility in public administration or national and internationalcompanies, but all carry the imprint of their time at the school in some way.