School newspaper

The school newspaper “Urdaneta” is a faithful witness to the living history of the school through the news, contributions and experiences of the members of the educational community , especially the students, who show off their great literary and artistic talents, and express their opinions on the numerous activities that are carried out throughout the course.

It was founded in 1980 on the initiative of enthusiastic parents and teachers who considered it an important tool for communication. Since then it has been periodically launched several times during its almost forty years of existence , to the delight of young and old alike

Throughout its history it has gone through different stages, not only in its periodicity but also in its format from black and white to colour and, more recently, in its design. It is currently published quarterly.

It is also an important element of communication between the school and the family , as it provides information on topics of interest to parents, not only in relation to the life of the school but also on pedagogical and formative topics that are part of the concerns of the parents of the students.

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