Theatre fans
In Urdaneta, year after year, we try to stimulate the taste for theater among our students, so we bring to our stage several works in different languages. These activities are undoubtedly a great source of learning for children because they increase their concentration, transmit values and stimulate their artistic side.
Last november 17th, 1st & 2nd grade students had a great time watching “Alice” at the school auditorium. They went on Alice’s incredible adventure to find her sister’s watch, changing size, meeting the Cheshire Cat, attending a tea party with the Mad Hatter and playing croquet with the wicky Queen of Hearts. Students also loved the fun rabbit on a skateboard quoting his famous “ It’s late, it’s late, it’s late”.
Students of 3rd and 4th of ESO also enjoyed English thetare, watching the thrilling story of Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde, based on Robert Loius Stevenson’s book.
3. zikloko ikaslentzat zuzendutako lana, berriz, euskaraz izan da, «Gaileta fabrika» eta haren argudioa asko pentsarazi die: fabrikako emakume langileek grebara joatea erabakitzen dute, gizonen eta emakumeen arteko desberdintasunengatik eta fabrikako buruaren aldetik jasotako tratu txarrak direla eta.